significatus (Nomura, 1935)
Descrizione (1).
Shell medium in size, obconical: test moderately
thick. Spire very low; apex acute, decidedly
concave in general outline. Whorls 12, apical ones embryonal, smooth and
globular; post-embryonal ones shouldered and spirally striated; angle of
shoulder minutely granulated on earlier whorls, more or less undulate on later
ones; striae 4-5 in number, crossed by rather distinct, oblique, growth lines,
making surface appear more or less granular. Body-whorl large, outline
straight, peripheral angle acute; spirally grooved throughout; grooves about
45, rather unequal, wider on lower part than on upper. Outer lip fractured;
aperture apparently narrow, straight, parallel sided as in C. sieboldi.
One specimen; 47 mm. in
height, 22 mm. in diameter, and 42 mm. in the length of aperture.
Compared with the preceding species, this shell
has a spire less elevated and more concave in outline; revolving grooves and
ridges are more extensively marked upon its body-whorl. C. decollatus martin
from the Neogene of Java somewhat resembles the Formosan fossil, but
differs in its much smaller shell with a different sculpture.
Fossil occurrence: Byoritu Beds.—Wangwa: station 24; Reg. No. 52394.
Conus significatus(1)Pl. VII fig. 2 Byôritu Beds, Taiwan |